About Me

I am in my Junior year at The University of South Alabama. I am studying to be an Early Childhood Special Education Teacher. After receiving my degree, I plan to attend Occupational Therapy school here at South. My focus is to incorporate a vast amount of technology into my teaching practices, to the benefit of my students.

Friday, April 30, 2010

Technology in the Classroom

Yes, this is such a broad and overused topic, but I found this article Integrating the Internet into the Classroom and I think it is a good basic start for new teachers. It contains information on basic ways to begin using technology in your classroom. It isn't anything crazy and high tech, just good first steps.

I do plan to use a good bit of tech in my classroom. Of course, I will be a new teacher so I'm not trying to overload myself in the very beginning. I think that I will pretty much follow this article. Its basic points were that the internet in classrooms is positive in the aspect of

1) Research
2) Classroom Website
3) Online Assessment

I feel that if I contain these values in my teaching methods then I can consider myself a "technology literate" teacher. I think this is a common ground between being over the top with tech stuff in the classroom, and being stuck in the 1920's with zero technology. I think it is wise for teachers, especially new teachers, to smart small and add something new every year. If you go into your career with technology based everything, I think it is simply bound for failure. It isn't practical. I am certainly not knocking anything tech based, I just think starting out small is wise.

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Interview with Mr. Sullivan

I think Mr. Sullivan did a fair job of describing a tech literate teacher. We pretty much agreed that as long as you have some form on technology in your pedagogy, then you are fine. I think it is wise, especially for new teachers, to start our with something small and comfortable, and then gradually increase your technology use as you feel more and more comfortable. It is important to use it though. Kids' lives today are literally centered around technology, so why should it be any different at school? It just seems like common sense to me. If it works for kids to learn, why are some teachers still not using it?

If you have not had much training in technology usage, do not overdo yourself. You will get lost and confused in the midst of it, and you will leave your students 10x as confused as you are. As long as you use something, I am positive that your students will notice and appreciate it. Even young children can recognize if their teacher cares about school and learning or not. Your reaction to education ultimately affects theirs as well. They look up to us as leaders, and if we are not going above and beyond these days, they notice.


I hope and plan to transform my future classroom into a progreesive approach. I fear for students who are required to sit in a desk and listen to the educator spit out facts of memorization. I truly do not want to do this. One of my professors, Dr. John Strange instilled the love of technology in the classrom inside of me. He taught me practical tools and projects that I will one day use with my students.

As far as the progressive approach, I want my students to interactive and collaborative. I want my students to learn by doing. Children are able to positively form relationships through acting out real life experiences. When children are allowed to think for themselves, and experiment for themselves, there is an enormous opportunity for learning.

I do not feel that I can change educational schooling on my own, or even with the help of others. This current form of teaching we have is unacceptable, but unfortunately I do not think it is going to change anytime soon. I do however think that if individuals like myself make a difference in each individual classroom, then we are destined for success. Every teacher has the chance to positively affect 30+ childrens' lives, and if we commit to doing so, then we have achieved something wonderful